Birthing centers in Atlanta

mom to be on field posing holding her belly and wearing a long white dress, beautiful summer day light capture by Elizabeth Klusmann Atlanta maternity photographer



Giving birth is an exciting moment, but is also full of questions for new moms specially and quite frankly for all moms because your pregnancy has differed from others and your birth experience will be unique to you and your baby. As you prepare the arrival of your bundle of joy it is important to consider your options in terms of the birth experience you will want to have, I’ve selected a few Atlanta birthing centers to help you narrow your search a little.

When choosing a birth center, it is important to consider your needs and preferences. Some things to think about include:

  • The type of care you want: Do you want a traditional hospital birth or a more natural birth?
  • The location: Do you want a birth center that is close to home or one that is more convenient for your partner or other family members?
  • The cost: Birth centers can be more expensive than traditional hospital births.
  • The staff: Do you feel comfortable with the staff at the birth center?
  • The facilities: Do you like the facilities at the birth center?
  • The amenities: Do you want a birth center that offers amenities such as a pool or a birthing tub?

Once you have considered your needs and preferences, you can start to narrow down your choices. You can read online reviews, talk to friends and family, and visit the birth centers in person to make your decision.



  • Atlanta Birth Center  is an ideal option for women and their families seeking individualized care and shared decision-making, their team includes professionals from Midwifery, Nursing, Obstetrics, Family medicine, Pediatrics, Nutrition, Psychology, Social work, Physical fitness, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Childbirth, Parenting education, Breastfeeding support. They are located in 1 Baltimore Place NW, Atlanta, GA 30308


  • Empowered Birth Atlanta  goal is empowering every birthing family to enjoy a safe and uplifting birth experience focused on optimal health, education, informed decision making, and family bonding. a midwife-led birth center located in Atlanta, Georgia. It offers a variety of services, including labor and birth support, postpartum care, and breastfeeding education.


  • The Atlanta Doulas is a doula service that offers support to families during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.  They are providers of a  full range of birth and postpartum services to families in the metro Atlanta area, these services include birth and postpartum doula, Lamaze birth classes, Placenta Encapsulation and cloth diaper classes. The are located at 550 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308



It is also important to talk to your doctor or midwife about your plans for birth. They can help you make the best decision for you and your baby. I hope your find this information helpful!



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