College preparation timeline for Atlanta High School students Congratulations you have a High Schooler at home, now what? it is an exciting time full of new opportunities but also nerve-wracking. College may seem far away but there is things you can do every year in High School if you plan to pursue higher education, […]
HOMECOMING AND PROM DRESS STORES IN ATLANTA Finding the perfect homecoming and prom dress stores in Atlanta is such a fun experience, but with so many options out there can become something quite intimidating and stressful. To help you make this a great experience I putted together some information in hopes of guide you […]
BEST SUMMER JOBS IN ATLANTA FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Helping your teen find a job during the summer break can be tricky, but with a little help the search can be fun! Here you’ll find some ideas for Summer jobs for Atlanta High School students. A great way to start is looking for Internships, volunteer […]
Best time to book your Senior photos in Atlanta Not sure of when to book your senior photos? In this guide I’ll help you look at the pros and cons of different seasons so you can make an inform decision and help you find the best time to book Senior photos in Atlanta Best time […]